The 2005 ILC Joint Meeting was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 29 and 30. Being during the 18th Congress of International Association of Gerontology, all the presidents attended the meeting after 2 years absence. The participants were Dr. Robert N. Butler, Dr. Francoise Forette, Baroness Sally Greengross, Dr. Rosy Pereyra, Mr Shigeo Morioka Dr. Sharad D. Gokhale, Dr. Harrison Bloom, Dr. Takako Sodei, Dr. Masako Osako, Mr. Akira Miura and Ms. Yoko Shido.
The most crucial item on the agenda was to interviews the applicants for new ILC members. The interview was conducted based on the application documents fully prepared and following relevant correspondence. Ultimately the membership of South Africa (Director: Dr. Monica Ferreira) and Argentina (Director: Dr. Daichman) was unanimously approved. Thus ILC-Alliance currently consists of the eight nations: the US, Japan, France, the UK, Dominican Republic, India, South Africa and Argentina. It was also decided that Japan and the US center would deal with procedures for the application from China and Australia respectively toward an interview at the Joint Meeting in 2006.
Considering ILC-Alliance has been highly evaluated for a good record of achievement
these several years, it is prospected new membership applicants will be increasing
in number. Therefore the Joint Meeting agreed to restrict future applications
by a certain regulations, and additionally re-confirmed the decisions made in
Tokyo in 2004: 1)The upper limit of the total membership size is about 10, and
2)Up to two countries for each Continent, for Dr. Butler and Baroness Greengross
were absent then.
Moreover, a proposal was made to set up an ILC secretariat in order to effectively coordinate the activities of the ILC offices rapidly increasing. Although the need of the ILC original secretariat was admitted by all, it was decided not to set it up at this time, primarily because funding is not available to support it. It was approved, as a substitute for the secretariat, the US center (Mr. James Sheridan) would take the role. As one of the other items on the agenda, France and UK centers made a proposal on how the project-based network should be, relating to the project currently developed in Europe Alliance for Health and the Future. It was concluded they would complete an agreement to identify missions, privileges and responsibilities of the network participants, which would be included in the ILC Agreement as another appendix. It was also agreed that the strict definition of the terms like partner, Associate, etc. should be hopefully examined. The next annual Joint Meeting will be held in Pune, India in August 2006, hosted by ILC-India.
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