
ILC-Alliance Annual Joint Meeting Held in Pune, India

The annual Joint Meeting of ILC Alliance was held in Pune, a university town in the western India on August 28 and 29. This year ILC-India took charge of the secretariat by rotation. Dr. S. D. Gokhale (President of ILC-India) was the chairman of the meeting. ILC-Alliance currently consists of eight countries (The USA, Japan, France, the UK, the Dominican Republic, India, South Africa, Argentine, in order of entry), six countries participated in the meeting this year, as France and Argentine were unavoidably absent. Every country is carrying out diverse activities despite a limited financial condition, promoting closer cooperation with each other.

Organizing a research and survey project under the theme of"Health and Longevity," the centers in Europe and the United States have started collaboration. It has been discussed to include Asia in the project in future. As to the general agenda including necessity of establishing secretariat for the Alliance and new membership application.

After the Joint Meeting, it has been customary to have a symposium attended by all the Presidents of the ILC-Alliance as panelists. In the symposium this year, the theme of which was"The Status and Role of Women in an Aging Society", Mr. Morioka, President of ILC-Japan, made a presentation based on the analysis of the situation in Japan. A wide range of audience including specialists, researchers as well as the general public seemed deeply interested in different status and awareness among the six countries.

Prior to the Joint Meeting, Mr. Morioka made the other lecture titled"Social Security System for the Elderly in Japan" in Mumbai, a central city in the western India, for aging-related NGOs, administrators, researchers and graduate students aiming to acquire MBA, etc. , which also attracted their great interest.

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