Mr. Jason Hidalgo, a health reporter and a Sunday columnist of Reno Gazette-Journal, Reno, Nevada, USA stayed in Japan for 3 months from September 1, to cover Japan's current status of health, welfare and social security, etc. on a Fulbright Scholarship. ILC-Japan took a role of coordinating interviews during his stay, according to the connection that he had participated in Age Boom Academy※ held by ILC-USA
The interview schedule was organized with cooperation of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Alzheimer's Association Japan, Institute of Health Economics and Policy, and Dr. Hiroshi Shibata, Professor of Obirin University. In addition, he had a meeting with the counselors of Telephone Hotline for Mutual Support of Family Careモ conducted by ILC-Japan in order to listen to their experiences. Reflecting the three moths he had spent in Japan, Mr. Hidalgo appreciated cooperation of ILC-Japan, saying, "Thanks to kind and proper coordination of ILC-Japan, I was able to complete a wide range of substantial interviews, whereas other Fulbright scholars found it very hard to make an appointment with interviewees." ILC-Japan is willing to further make preparations to take in such requests from abroad toward future.
*Age Boom Academy
A seminar planned for journalists to deepen understanding of aging issues.
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